15 October 2006

Where is the love?

Ya'll ain't right.

And you know who you are. So don't even sit there all smug looking around the room, thinking 'who me?' Because you know I am talking about you.
So maybe I have a reputation of being a bit, let's say distracted or maybe even dazed. So what? "Just cause I'm blind, don't mean I'm dumb." Not that I'm blind, but you get my drift. That Dave Chappelle is too funny. "It might be doo doo!"
Anyway, back to my point, I'm not stupid. I too can read between the lines and notice patterns. I can put 1 and 1 together to create 2. So let's explore my findings together.
Why are all the comments to me always along these lines:
Leela, you are (mos def / indeed) special.
You are (such a hot / a very hot / the hottest) mess.
You have issues (and/or problems).
TIme to refill the meds Leela.
(Okay yeah, I made that one up, but I'm sure someone was thinking it.)
Leela, have you been drinking AGAIN?
Must I continue...
I mean even the comments that I leave on other blogs solicit these same types of comments in return.
Oh! And another thing, why am I always on the bottom of all the friends' blogs links lists? Miss Jackson and Mr. Gbajabiamila. Alphabetical my ass. This is supposed to be a blogging circle of love.
Just for the record, I am NOT always confused, as some would like to believe.
And yes, I have been drinking. Champagne bitches.


dreamyj said...


dreamyj said...

ok, i've recovered from my hysterical laughing episode. you are too much girl...all love and you know it! =)

Zmooth G said...


Leela, you are special...in a good way

You are the hottest...the mess part is a universal typo.

You have issues...because you have to deal with all of us crazies in the world.

Time to refill the meds Leela...we just care about you and want to make sure you get things done on time, not that we think you need help.

Leela, have you been drinking, AGAIN? ... because we want to come over and join you.

Anonymous said...

Leela....What is happening to you over there? You know everyone loves you! How can they not? We all have that "specialness" in us, some more than others, but we all got it. Let it go, go get a drink and just say F*** It! Love YA