30 October 2006

I ran and I ran, I was looking for me

Lately I have found myself disheartened by how much I have yet to experience in life.
Yet to see, yet to taste, to touch, to feel.
Yet to accomplish, to discover, yet to become.

Sometimes I feel the need to do it all, be it all.
That need drives me, but in the same breath it overwhelms me. It is unreasonable, I know. Leela, life is a journey, my dad reminds me at every given opportunity.

Life is short and it offers so many options. I don't want to waste any opportunity or talent that I have been blessed with. But when I run, I miss so much along the way as life turns into a blur. And when I stop to contemplate the alternatives for too long, I waste time with indecision.

So for now I take my time, absorbing all that is around me. Every moment becomes significant. I gaze at my surroundings in awe.
I savor all that I taste. I allow myself to be distracted by anything that catches my attention. I take in everything, as it sweeps me away or repulses me. My senses are heightened. My mind is open.

I spend my days and nights, making my way through this dream existence. I accept that life is a journey and I've slowed my pace. Walking attentively, one foot in front of the other.

1 comment:

dreamyj said...

deep, i'm feelin it...