22 October 2006

Americans have more fun! (an experiment)

Hypothesis: Drinking wine improves my French comprehension and expression.


The amount of wine that I consume

The amount of wine that the others consume
The duration of time during which the wine is consumed

The effect that consuming the wine has on the accuracy of my perceptions

Methods and materials:

1. Attend a dinner party with:

3 boys whose uniting language is Japanese (Mr U, Mr K, and Mr 5)

3 girls whose uniting language is English (Mlle S, Mlle C, and moi)
2. Be served plenty of wine and food.

3. Record observations and conversations.


Moi: But I really am shy! (I insisted while starting my x glass of wine.)
Mlle C and Mr K: You are NOT shy! We do not believe you.
Mr K: Americans talk a lot.

Moi: We talk a lot because we like to have fun and we enjoy parties where everyone is
laughing and having a good time (or at least I do).
I still stick with my assertion that I am shy. Really, I am! I'm not usually quiet once you get to know me, but initially I am shy. Definitely wasn't convincing anyone of that yesterday.

Moi: Don't laugh at my French!
Mlle C: He's not laughing at your French, he's laughing at you.
Moi: Oh! I see.

Mr K mocked both my French and English. Specifically my voice, which never ceased to amuse him. Apparently, making fun of me is an activity enjoyed by people of all cultures. Hmmph!

Mr K: I love MAC.

Mlle C and moi: I love MAC too!

Moi: I love Madonna.

Mlle C: Me too!

Moi: Do you like Madonna?

Mr K: I ADORE Madonna.

Who would've known that MAC and Madonna are capable of surpassing all language/cultural barriers? (Is it any coincidence that both are American? I think not. ;))

Wow, why is a random guy in the metro dominating the pic?

The more wine I consumed the better my French became. Mr K even noted that the more wine he consumed, the better he was able to understand my French. Point 1 for team Leela! (I think...) Mlle S served as a control since she doesn't drink alcohol. As a result, she remained confused during most of the conversations (including the English, so I'm not really sure what was going on with her). The results of this preliminary experiment are consistent with my hypothesis, however I cannot rule out the possibility that perhaps the variables skewed the results. Thus more experiments are necessary before I can confirm my hypothesis.

WTF: Leela ate sushi!? Yeeeaaah booooy! Vegetarian sushi!!


Adei von K said...

Are these pics pre or post wine? LOL I love "the random guy in pic" shot!
I heart sushi! matter of fact, I think i'm going to get some right now...

Jameil said...

lmao@ more experiments are necessary before I can confirm my hypothesis!!! hilarious. i'm always down for more wine!

Leela said...

stacie: the first 2 are during the wine and the last is post-wine (probably post-drinking for Mr random on the metro too), lol

jameil: all in the name of science, of course!

when in Paris...