10 November 2007


So I know that there are things that are less than socially acceptable to be done alone. Like drinking or going to the movies or a restaurant or eating a gallon of ice cream on the sofa. It's a good thing that behaving in a socially acceptable manner is not always high on my list of priorities. I tend to laugh by myself, not about stuff occurring around me, but rather stuff that I think about, in my head. For instance, my mother is what the French would refer to as une technophobe. She is not very good with electronics - computers, cell phones, DVD players, basically anything. A while ago, she finally learned how to send text messages, which is no small feat for her, a woman who couldn't figure out how to get the second and third letters on a cell phone key (she knew that by pressing 2, she could type the letter A, but she didn't know how to get the B or C). All the contacts in her phone book were in a strange code that only she could decipher. Now as if that isn't hilarious enough, she didn't know how to type a space, so all of her messages were like howareyoudoing or haveanicedayiwillcallyoulater. When she finally figured that out, she moved on to trying to use abbreviated lingo in her texts. Everyone wants to be cool, you know. She started to write messages that sounded like English was not her first language, Maybe u c a nice pair at another store where r u finish class was her way of saying Maybe u will c a nice pair at another store. Where r u? U finish class? Yes, she is special. She is my mother. Now my brother wasn't so amused or patient. One day after receiving a text from her, he sent her one back that read This phone is not able to receive text messages. He told me about it and we both had a good laugh. But really, I didn't think that she would fall for it. I forgot all about it, until like a couple weeks ago, when she said she was trying to get a hold of him. I suggested sending a text message and she said No, I can't. His phone can't receive text messages. I was confused, like What are you talking about? And then I remembered and I cracked up, like You actually believed that!?!? And she was too confused. I tried to explain the story to her and she kept arguing with me, telling me that no, that she got a message and he can't receive text messages. OMG, maybe you had to be there. But yes, I laugh by myself around other people at memories that only I have. If you happen to ever see me break into laughter, just smile, or better yet, laugh with me.

04 November 2007

the time being

Daylight savings time. Woot! An extra hour, which I have decided to spend lounging in the bed with a bowl of ice cream and the computer. Last week Sunday, my phone told me that it was daylight savings time and it reset itself. So I was thinking, hmmmm okay. I called a friend to find out if it was true and she told me no, that daylight savings time was a week later. I tried to change the time on the phone, but everyday at midnight it would reset itself. After a week of that confusion, the time will finally be correct.
I have been spending too much time at work. Which I suppose in a way is a good thing. Ever notice how scrubs look a lot like prison uniforms? Coincidence? I think not. Anyway, there is a really sweet woman at my work who I sometimes talk to during lunch. After finding out that I only have 1 brother (in comparison with her 8 siblings), do not have any family living with me in Denver, and am single, I have become her new project. She is determined to find a mate for me. First it was one of her single brothers, now it is one of her co-workers. I don't know what to do. Being single is not a curse. I mean, some people like being single. Maybe I am one of them. Maybe that is just the way that God made me. Say you have this friend who was recently dumped. I mean DUMPED, like totally unexpected in a completely public place. Her feelings were crushed and she didn't know how to take it exactly, because she hadn't been dumped in years. I'm talking like more than 5 years ago, because truth is she wouldn't open herself up to situations that would enable that. BUT, she decided that it is time for a change, because change goes so well with age, you know. So she decided to take a chance, because taking chances is what life and learning are about. All of her good intentions and efforts got her nowhere. At least nowhere she wanted to be. Obviously that is a sign from the Lord that she doesn't belong in a relationship. Kenisha said, "Fine then Leela, just be single forever." Well maybe I will. Thank you very much.

09 October 2007

my dad, my inspiration

My dad gives the best gifts. Several years back, instead of receiving birthday gifts, my brother and I agreed to donate the money to New Life Charitable Trust, a non-profit organization which cares for children and elderly people without families in India. On our birthdays, our donations sponsor their meals and they say special prayers for us and send photos. It's amazing how little money is needed to feed more than 100 people by Western standards. It's so easy to become too wrapped up in one's daily life and problems and take things for granted. My dad makes sure that we recognize how truly blessed we are and reminds us of our responsibility in sharing that with others.

My dad has done other work with them as well and always makes a special trip when he is in India. I haven't been able to visit yet, since I usually spend most of my time in India with family in Kerala, but next time I go (hopefully summer of 2008) I will be sure to visit. There is a cow named Leela, which delivered a calf, which was named after my brother. So anyway, if interested, visit the website to see all of the projects they are working on and ways to help.

04 October 2007

party time!!!

I don't think that OJ should be prosecuted for his actions in Vegas. In fact, he should be able to sue the city of Vegas for renegading on their slogan that "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."
So that was my dad's letter to the editor of the Grand Junction Free Press a week or so ago. And they published it. Anyway, the relevance of this (other than providing tangible evidence that foolishness is genetic) is that tomorrow is my birthday and I am going to Las Vegas. Now the last time I went, I had a bit of a rough time (understatement). But so what! I'm going to Vegas tomorrow and I don't give a f*ck cause it's my birthday!!!!