04 March 2007

It must be me.

Flakey ass friends. Why am I inflicted with these fuckers? I feel like a magnet for them, because it's not just one friend or a one time rare occurrence. I would be able to understand that. But this is too extensive to be normal. Lies, excuses, cancellations, disappearances, all around flakiness. I'm fed up!

Maybe it means that it's time for me to learn to be more independent and self-sufficient. I don't know. Maybe I expect too much from others.

I am
admittedly a bad judge of character. Still, I would rather not think that it is me. I consider myself loyal and I try to treat people with respect, but lately I feel like the sentiment is not being reciprocated.

Seeing that I am the common factor in all of these relationships, how do I not take it personally?

Or maybe I should because I am doing something wrong and need to change my behavior.


dreamyj said...

hmmmm...a case of the flakey people, you know I have a friend or two with flakey tendencies, and I definitely know it's not me, its them f**kers so don't take it personally. I think you just know a lot of people with the flakey-ness gene, so my advice is to find some new ones!

Jameil said...

as bad as it sounds i kind of like to be the bearer of bad/unwelcome news (bitch). it may be you. i seem to be surrounded by people (fam and closest friends) w/these capt. save-a-ho tendencies. befriending everyone and expecting them to be as loyal as you are. not always gonna happen. you gotta get to the point where you trust your instinct from the jump. maybe not be evil when you get that "you are a stank bastard" vibe, but hold them at a distance. makes things easier in the long run. i like to sprint in the opposite direction. can't piss me off if i don't let you near.

Madam DLBG said...

well...it is you. not saying that you are a sucky or flaky person yourself, but if thats what ur attracting then it's something about you that those people are attracted to. Its more than likely one of your "good" qualities thats making them come your way. You don't have give up this quality about urself that attracts them, but you do need to figure out what is it and then "dim the light" of it a bit until you know people deserve your full "brightness" ...feel me?

Leela said...

jade: you are right, i always think about how you say that we teach people how to treat us, and i do need to let go and move on.

madam: extremely well explained. :) i think that i am too trusting before people necessarily deserve it and in that way, it becomes easy to take advantage of me. i guess i have to be more cautious with people until they prove themselves?

jameil: yes, i tend to be a bad judge of character, bc i try to see the good qualities in everyone and focus on that. i hate to judge people anyway, so even when my first instinct tells me to stay away, i worry that i am not being fair and jumping to unreasonable conclusions. that is a prob.