27 February 2007

meet at step 3

It really doesn't need to be said that the Facebook and I are not really friends. So then why am I spending so much time on it? And doing what exactly? Yeah, not even sure. Wasting time.

I still don't completely understand the concept of these Facebook virtual gifts. I thought they were just a Valentine's Day thing, but they are still around. And now I see that they are offering a special edition gift each day with a limited quantity available. I have to admit that they are kind of cute. So I just want to let you know that I have reconsidered my position and I would like one of these, please.

It's only $1 and it is for cancer research for goodness sakes.


dreamyj said...

LMAO! Get your tail off that facebook girl!!!

fuckgoogle said...

If I did facebook....but I still have a dollar if you need it....

Adei von K said...

why is there a hole in the box? is that the 'd*ck in a box' box? i sent a gift to the College of Ed :-)

Leela said...

thank you stacie!!! it seems that other people were oblivious to the fact that facebook was offering a dick-in-a-box icon as a gift. and no my mind is not in the gutter! what else could it possibly be though? a box with a hole?!? let me know, but until then it is a dick-in-a-box box!

dreamyj said...

mind IS most certainly in the gutter, anyone with a mind not in the gutter would not have thought of that mess. umm hmmm...

Leela said...

well then what the hell is it????

Jameil said...

its for the peek-a-boo nosy folk. duh! uh... thou shalt not solicit gifts... hilarious.