31 March 2007

What is the meaning of this?

moi: I'm really sorry! I am easily distracted.
lui: By what?
moi: Anything.

In this case, life and uh yeah, the internet, oooh Yahoo Answers...

I know that I am slacking here. I should be writing an update. But I'm not.
But I will.
OMG, this is soooo funny!!! 100% of the time you're on the stupid!


Jameil said...

LIFE is distracting isn't it? I can't focus for more than 5 minutes. imagine what our kids will be like with constant stimulation from birth... *shudder*

fuckgoogle said...

I don't even think thats 25 words...smh...we the people deserve better. Hope that helped you focus.

Leela said...

jameil: adderall for all!!!

lou911: you certainly do deserve better. i will work on it :)