23 January 2007

This sucks.

So apparently my body is falling apart.

I woke up this morning with a sore throat. And now I am sneezing up that sickness mucusy taste, which signals that worse is on the way

Yesterday evening I had the worst headache, which is weird because I rarely get headaches. (And everytime I do, I say that same thing.) It was a terrible dull pain that was spread throughout my forehead. I took some medicine and went to bed early.

The day before that I woke up and my eyes were stuck shut. They hurt so much that I could barely stand to keep them open. I thought to myself, hot damn I have finally contracted conjunctivitis. Because
ever since I moved here, I have felt that it would only be a matter of time with all the contaminated spaces that I encounter on a daily basis, between the metro (the poles, seats, handrails) and the public toilets (which ALL lack hot water and paper towels and sometimes even soap). Thankfully it was a false alarm; my eyes were irritated but not infected. I put a bunch of eye drops in them and by the end of the day everything was better.

But I still have this headache and the tingling in my throat is becoming worse.


dreamyj said...

awww sorry pookie! feel better soon! =)

Madam DLBG said...

oh no, not the blicky! aww man, now I can't come through here 4 a while, u might be contagious...lol

Ms.Honey said...

Being sick is never fun..hope you feel better..I was blog hopping and decided to leave a comment LOL

Jameil said...

ew. my dad was hacking for like a week. amazing i didn't get it. i have the snots a little but nothing like what he was doing. i was seriously concerned for his health. every time i walked in the door he'd be hacking and spitting and ew. just nasty. hope you don't get whatever that was.

The Sarccastik Variable Why said...

GO SEE THE DOCTOR!!!!...or get some alka-setzer...

Leela said...

thank you all for your concerns, i am happy to report that I am feeling much better now!