09 January 2007

Time is relative.

So apparently I am operating on GMT-3 time, which isn't a problem except that I live in the GMT+1 time zone. I can't sleep at night. I have always been a night owl, but this is getting out of hand. I find myself wide awake at 3 AM, looking at the time, scolding I need to go to sleep. I have to wake up in the morning. But it does no good, because as Jade reminds me "I can never do right." 5 more minutes, I need to finish reading this article. I'm not even sleepy yet. Then finally when I do go to bed, I lie awake distracted by my thoughts, sometimes for minutes, usually for more. I feel compelled to move. When changing positions starts to bore me, I get up to get a drink of water or reapply night lip balm or adjust my bedding. I am restless. My brother has also noted that my teeth clenching during sleep has progressed into audible teeth grinding. This is a problem. A friend has suggested that I try bathing before bed (I'm not too keen on baths) or drinking relaxing herbal tea (which does bring back fond memories of restful nights facilitated by tea and rum...or maybe that was just rum). Whatever the case may be, I need to get my biological clock back on schedule. Speaking of schedules (ignore the fact that it is at least 2 weeks past Boxing Day, this is France), I have been informed that tomorrow the after-Christmas sales will commence. That may just be reason enough for me to go to bed early tonight.


dreamyj said...

yes yes, we need to work on your sleeping my dear. I try to be the enforcer, hence my wonderful shout out in the post, but to no avail! Get it together nightie!

Madam DLBG said...

Shopping is a great reason to sleep :-), but I'm down with the tea AND the bath. It seems to me that you're too wired and uptight adn those are both great ways to bring you rsystem to a relaxed state. Other options are exercise or doing a chill activity you enjoy...like reading. :-)

Jameil said...

hurray for sales. reading usually puts me to sleep. but forget all that crap. you really need to find out what's stressing you out so much that you can't sleep and when you do, you grind your teeth. that's a problem.

Leela said...

glad to report that reading before bed is helping a bit. i do need to see someone about the grinding problem, but unfortunately that is going to have to wait until i make it back to the states...

Madam DLBG said...

Actually, you can by a simple gel mouth guard to sleep with on some nights to help with the grinding until you get back to the us. They might have them in drugstores in Paris...