01 January 2007

there's always next year

New Year's Eve always manages to suck. Not because anything terrible happens, but because it is overrated. I am guilty of buying into the hype and expecting too much from New Year's Eve. I mean, you are expected to go someplace spectacular, dress fabulously, and have the absolute best time to celebrate the past year and start off the next one. People have these elaborate plans set up months in advance. So when you have a normal time which would be considered a good time any other day of the year, on New Year's Eve, it is disappointing. So forget you New Year's Eve, there are 364 other days of the year to party. Plus, what kind of way is it to start off the new year drunk anyway. Okay, now you know I'm just being bitter.


Jameil said...

hahaha. it IS overrated! how about i just sit at home and chill. thanks so much! long as i look fly and have decent company is absolutely my current motto.

Madam DLBG said...

It most certainly is. I no longer buy into the hype. it's just another day. Who's to say that the day we celebrate New Year's is actually the day the New Year starts?

LOL, yes, I was trying to confuse you on that last one, but I'm serious...my New Year is when I dictate it...