16 August 2007

Is it true that Miss Cleo is going to be on The Surreal Life?

So I headed out this morning in pursuit of a couple of envelopes and some stamps. Three hours later, I found myself carrying a new TV up to my 5th floor apartment (all by myself, respect the muscle power). My old TV broke last year a couple months before I was scheduled to leave the country. The screen just went completely black one day (though the sound continued working fine). Everyone said that it wouldn't be worth having it repaired and that I should buy a new one instead. I figured it best to go without for a while and buy one when I returned. Now normally when I need to make a big purchase which involves a lot of different possibilities (commonly electronics), it takes me a long time. My usual process consists of online research and reviews, store visits, and price comparisons followed by an indefinite state of indecision and inactivity. After a while, I restart with the research because by then there are probably new products to consider. Eventually, I do come to a conclusion. Even if it takes me a bit longer, I don't mind too much, because I need to feel satisfied with my choice and cannot deal with buyer's remorse. Although I do have to admit that the whole process can be frustrating, especially when it is something that is more essential, like a television. If it was simply about me not being able to watch TV then it wouldn't have been such a pressing issue, because I have gotten used to not having one around. But when you can't invite someone over to watch a movie with you, it becomes a problem. And the Wii wasn't looking very impressive sitting around in its box either. I bought a TV, I'm happy with it, and what's that? I scheduled an appointment for cable installation tomorrow, gasp. Finally, I can watch all the shows that everyone is always talking about like Making the Band 4, Baldwin Hills, and all the other stuff they won't put online. Not to mention, no more watching episodes online constantly being interrupted by buffering. Movie previews, commercials, music videos. Finally, I am rejoining contemporary society.

Predictions for the upcoming week:
Want to come over and watch a movie with me? I made cupcakes.
We should watch The Hills together on Monday. Stop by around 7.
Wii party over here!!!!


Jameil said...

woooooooo!! good times!! too bad i'm not in CO. lolol. "My usual process consists of online research and reviews, store visits, and price comparisons followed by an indefinite state of indecision and inactivity." Are you sure you're not my father's child? he drives me inSANE with that. utterly batty.

dreamyj said...

i feel like im rubbing off on u, =)

Leela said...

jameil: lol, the system works! it does!

jade: you always have been a bad influence, lol :)