06 November 2006

I like pretty sparkly things.

White teeth.
Lip gloss.
Christmas lights.

I spent the afternoon browsing through the many floors of le Printemps. I love Christmas time! There is something inexplicably comforting about cold weather and winter time in general. Although I love the energy of summer and all that comes with it and I dread having to trade the light casualness of summer and fall wear for the bulk of layered outfits and dry skin. Until winter time actually descends, I never remember how much I love it.

In other news, I must be shedding my signature clueless look for something more cosmopolitan, because people are always asking me for d
irections. And today, I actually had an answer (apart from Je ne sais pas. Desolée.). Say what?! You know what that means! There is hope for my sense of direction yet.


dreamyj said...

finally some pictures! lol i'm kidding, but those are nice.

Adei von K said...

the pics are awesome! i'm like you. i hate the cold, i hate the dry skin but there is something abt a winter wonderland that makes it all worth it =)

Zmooth G said...

You will never have a sense of direction. Accept it. Yeah I miss Chicago winters now that I am here in San Fransisco, but once I go back to visit Chicago and experience the cold I am begging to return.