17 November 2006

how to get a boy to like you

...in 2 easy steps
1. Find someone to tell the boy that you like him.
2. Do nothing and watch as he begins to like you.

Not that I have ever done this, it's just that it always seems to work on me.
Really though, is it just me or has this happened to anyone else? Your friend tells you that a friend of hers that you have recently met likes you. Yeah girl, my friend really likes you. He is a really sweet guy. You did not find this friend unusually appealing. Not that you think anything is wrong with him, you just didn't think anything of him. Your feelings were neutral. But after she tells you that he likes you, that starts to marinate in your mind and you find yourself thinking hmm... he likes me, okay. Well maybe I could like him too. She said he was really sweet. He did seem really nice and he likes me. As if the fact that he likes you must mean that something about him is great. He has excellent taste, so that's a good start. Here's where that crazy planning commences. He can take me out and we can do xyz. Yes that will work, and then... But then you actually see him and he doesn't overtly act as if he likes you. So you are wondering, wait a minute, I thought he liked me, what happened? He is supposed to like me! And perhaps by now you maybe sort of like him a little bit (it doesn't matter that this is only the second time that you have seen him because you have your mental image of him... and the 2 kids and the yearly vacations to the Seychelles, no wait! just kidding!)
Anyway maybe this only happens to super indecisive people with overly active imaginations. But I'm sure I can't be the only one.


dreamyj said...

i think liking someone because they like you is quite common, now all the confusion you got going along with that, I'm not too sure about. But we love confused little leela, so its ok!

Zmooth G said...

You are always confused sweety. I don't really think this applies to males. We upon any interraction with a woman decide in the first few minutes whether we like her or not. Our opinions after this point don't really change. Granted that the male is a decisive individual.

Jameil said...

hahahahahaha!!! faaaaaaaabulous! i think that only works w/women. like zmooth said, men are not so easily convinced. we're so easy. make him show you tho.

Adei von K said...

LOLOL! Love it!! Sooooo true!!! OMG, the italics are great esp. "He is supposed to like me!"

Leela said...

jade, jameil, stacie: glad that you girls feel me and that i'm not the only one that thinks this way!

jameel: sorry that the male mind lacks flexibility