10 May 2007


Some people are drawn to a beautiful, pearly smile.
Many prefer a vibrant personality and sense of humor.
While a well-toned body renders others weak.
Me? I have a thing for last names. Surnames.
(I like all of that other stuff too though.)

Now not just any old last name will do. I mean a good last name. And what exactly is that? There's the difficulty because as always, it depends. There are no strict rules. Nevertheless I will try to lay down some basic guidelines.
- not very common (at least by American standards)
- memorable (in a good way, preferably no connections with public scandals)
- audibly aesthetic
- has some sort of meaning

Side note: The last name doesn't necessarily have to be very long or difficult to pronounce (although the latter can be a plus, case in point, you always know when telemarketers are calling by the way they (can't) pronounce your name). I am also somewhat partial to last names beginning with the letters L, M, and V. There is just something unexplainably appealing about certain names.

Now wait a minute, let me make it clear. I don't plan on actually changing my last name when I get married.* I will add on Jada Pinkett Smith style if the name is worthy. Otherwise I shall be known forevermore as Mrs. Velayudhan. The one who holds the spear.

Due to the subjective nature of this determination, last names are best reviewed on a case by case basis. Okay then, let's see.
Jones. Smith. Martin. Keep it moving.
Johnson. Anderson. No sons. Thanks.
White. Williams. Lewis. Next please.

Campbell. No.
Kumar. Kim. Ho. No no NO!
Rodriguez. You've got to be kidding me.
Lovejoy. Hmm…I'll consider it.
Mbikina. Oooh, hold up boy. Can I get at you for a minute? Sooo, do you like have any plans for, say the next decade or so…

* Whoa, I know you caught that. I know you are thinking, oooh she said when she gets married, instead of if. I know you are saying it's always the ones who shun marriage who are the first to tie the knot with a smirk on your face. Oh whatever.


Jameil said...

how do you even pronounce Velayudhan? i kind of like last names. i learned early on that very little hyphenates well w/my very common last name. and i certainly don't want to keep it. not fun enough. ah well.

Leela said...

it's pronounced just like it's spelled. got it? okay great! lol, i wish i could tell you "rhymes with..." or something along those lines, but i guess it is easier to just hear it.

dreamyj said...

lol @ you liking the ones that begin with your initials, HAM! didn't think I would catch that, did u? and yea, i knew that "i don't want to get married, i don't like titles" junk was for the birds, you ain't foolin nobody!

Leela said...

i figured that you would. and initially i was going to switch up the order to try to throw you off, but LMV just happens to be alphabetical, so i left it and took a chance. LOL
weddings are cool. you know i'm all about anything that includes cake and an open bar. it's the whole "I DO" part that i can't get down with (just yet).