24 May 2007

5 days!!!

No, I haven't died. And I'm not on a blogging break or anything like that. Truth is, last Thursday I finally clicked one of the 20 million popup ads that pollute my screen on the daily. And who would've guessed, it actually worked! So now I am busy packing for my new life. In AMERICA!!!


Jameil said...


Leela said...

lol, i'm returning to the states next tuesday. i'm packing. that is why i have been slow with the updates.

Jameil said...

wow. what's confusing tho is the pop-up part. you really clicked on one?

Leela said...

no, i was jk, bc i always get weird ads like "click here to get your green card" and "click if you want to live in the US" and i find it rather amusing. i wonder if ppl actually click and what happens. or if they are like those rat bastard americans are so arrogant they think everyone wants to come to their stinking country.

dreamyj said...

this is just too much explanation going on here. stop confusing people leela!!! =)

PS- excited for your arrival!
PSS- i see you stealing my phrase "rat bastard" umm hmmm...

fuckgoogle said...
