18 July 2007

I guess I'm disturbed.

You [mixed people] like to think you are special, so you create your own problems.
- name withheld

One of the earliest childhood dilemmas arises when encountering the racial classification survey. Choose a racial category. I remember seeing that for the first time on a standardized test in elementary school. Can we choose more than one? someone asked. No, choose only one. If you are more than one race then choose the one which you are more of. That didn't really sit well with me since 50% and 50% are equal. Well, just pick other. What exactly is other? I didn't know. I blackened in the circle. Other. Okay.

As times changed and having the option to choose multiple categories became standard, things got easier. Black or African American. Asian.
And in the rare case when choosing more than one classification wasn't an option, I always had my sentimental other to fall back on. Some other race. Biracial. Other, please describe.

But yesterday this issue resurfaced in a new light as I was completing a job application survey online. Only one choice was allowed so I instinctively scanned down to the bottom of the list to choose other and was shocked to see that instead of other, the non-specific category was labeled unknown. I highlighted that circle with my cursor. Unknown?


Jameil said...

choose the one which you are more of?!?! INsanity. lmao @ unknown!! every person w/some black in them can claim that one huh? really just about anyone can.

It is What It Is... said...

Hey Leela,

You've been tagged...stop by and check it out...


And let me know when you post...

Smooches! Jess

Adei von K said...

wow. unknown is new to me. is that a european thing?

dreamyj said...

wow, that is too much of a HAM! they will not say unknown, that is just too much man, too much.

Leela said...

stacie: nope, it was on a hospital employment site, right here in the good old US of A