08 April 2007

C'est la belle vie.

Non? He asked me yesterday, as we lounged under a parasol, me, mai tai in hand and him drinking a beer. We are in Lacanau-Océan, where the biggest challenge has been determining where the vast blue of the water ends and the sky begins. I had almost forgotten how much I love the sun, the comfort of its heat, the energy in its brilliance. I had forgotten that the sun actually does have the power to wake you up in the morning when it shines through the window. It's days like this when I can't help but smile and feel absolutely grateful.

And you knew that I couldn't leave the computer at home. So I am sitting here blogging, while my french boy is busy yelling and clapping at the tele (ie watching the game), drowning his sorrow and/or happiness in whiskey and a cloud of smoke. The hotness that is soccer boys…
Woot Marseille?!!!

Happy Easter!


dreamyj said...

Glad you are having fun!

*I need translations of these words, you know I don't speak French!

Leela said...

LOL, my bad yo! "C'est la belle vie" is equivalent to "This is the good life"

Ray said...

Happy Easter to you too!!

Jameil said...

mmm ocean and alcohol.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u write well hon - nice blog - check me out sometime

Leela said...

jameil: ah yes, either a very good combination or a very bad one.

bigray and torrance: thank you! i shall stop by.